our story.
We are a family-run business, started by a grandmother and her grandson. Our goal is to bring truth back to cooking and move away from the fast food kitchen world. Fresh produce is now more accessible than ever, yet #foodp*rn has conditioned our minds to disregard the importance of fresh ingredients and mindful cooking methods. Nonna stands for the time and care that grandmothers put into their food, care that translates into love. We hope to bring that love into our dishes and to you.
Fresh Produce Love in Food Care Healthy
Fresh Produce Love in Food Care Healthy
Our story
Fresh Produce Love in Food Care Healthy
Fresh Produce Love in Food Care Healthy
our mission
We believe fostering a culture of inclusivity and supporting local entrepreneurs we promote a vibrant and more resilient neighbourhood. We wish to become a safe space in Barcelona, through food and branding we hope to soon be able to share health and create community. By bringing fresh produce from our local providers daily, we actively support the circular economy and move away from mass exporters. Nonna knows that every choice we make has a consequence, no matter how small. It is up to us to make the right ones!